Pancake Pre-Meet

Before each edition of Amsterdam ABDL Social, a Pre-Meet is organised. The host welcomes you one of Amsterdam's pancake restaurants. During the Pre-Meet you can get to know the other attendees in advance of the main event. To participate you order a ticket on this page. While ordering, you already select the pancake and drink you'd like.

Do you have some reservations about joining the Amsterdam ABDL Social? Is this your first ever ABDL event? Do you want to spend extra time with other ABDL's? Are you alone and do you want to get to know some of the people before the event? For all these cases, the Pancake Pre-Meet is the perfect fit for you!

Pancakes Amsterdam

Make sure you make it in time! The restaurant will only reserve our spot 10 minutes before the reserved time, and 10 minutes after the reserved time. The restaurant is easy to reach by taking a tram from the Amsterdam Central station, exit the tram at the "westermarkt" stop.

You have to order a ticket on this website in advance. You pick which pancake and which drink you want to have during the Pre-Meet. We have a medium and large menu, both have different pancake options. By selecting what we want to eat and drink we smoothen the process in the restaurant and ensure we can spend all our time and effort on getting to know eachother and having a good time.

If the menu doesn't work for you, or if you just have a question? Contact us on WhatsApp!

Rules Pre-Meet

The restaurant is open to the public, there will be guests that know nothing about ABDL at all. At the same time we want to be comfortable ourselves as well. To ensure everyone will have a good time, we had to make some rules that apply to the Pre-Meet:

  1. Use common sense
  2. Obvious ABDL things are not allowed to be visible (ensure your diaper is covered, don't have pacifiers visible)
  3. Energetic and colorful clothing with a nice print is okay. Do you have any doubts about your outfit? Ask us on WhatsApp!
  4. We do not make pictures of other people without explicit prior consent.

After the Pre-Meet is over

When the Pre-Meet comes to an end we walk to the Aknathon as a group to attend the Amsterdam ABDL Social event. You have connected with people at the Pre-Meet, so you won't be alone upon arriving at the event

Planned editions

Pancake Pre-Meet

Are you coming to the Pancake Pre-Meet for Amsterdam ABDL Social in februari?

Sunday, February 9, 202414:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)
Pancakes Amsterdam WestermarktPrinsengracht 2771016 GW, Amsterdam

Medium menu: Sales closed

Large menu: Sales closed

Medium Menu
For the Medium Menu you can choose between the following pancakes:
  1. cheese + spinache
  2. bacon + cheese
  3. chocolate sauce + stroopwafel crumble
Large Menu
For the Large Menu you can choose between the following pancakes:
  1. goat cheese + spinache + garlic oil + seeds
  2. chocolate sauce + stroopwafel crumble + whipped cream
  3. chicken + cheese + onion
  4. homemade apple crumble + raisins + cinnamon + whipped cream

Pancake Pre-Meet

Craving for a pancake to celebrate easter? Come join us at the Pancake Pre-Meet for the Amsterdam ABDL social in April!

Sunday, April 13, 202514:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)
Pancakes Amsterdam WestermarktPrinsengracht 2771016 GW, Amsterdam

Medium menu: €18.50 ( until 09-04-2025 18:00 )

Large menu: €21.50 ( until 09-04-2025 18:00 )

Medium Menu
For the Medium Menu you can choose between the following pancakes:
  1. cheese + spinache
  2. bacon + cheese
  3. chocolate sauce + stroopwafel crumble
Large Menu
For the Large Menu you can choose between the following pancakes:
  1. goat cheese + spinache + garlic oil + seeds
  2. chocolate sauce + stroopwafel crumble + whipped cream
  3. chicken + cheese + onion
  4. homemade apple crumble + raisins + cinnamon + whipped cream

Order tickets online

Pancake Pre-Meet

Sunday, June 8, 202514:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)

Pancake Pre-Meet

Sunday, August 10, 202514:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)

Pancake Pre-Meet

Sunday, October 12, 202514:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)

Pancake Pre-Meet

Sunday, December 14, 202514:00 - 15:30 CET (Amsterdam)

Contact us


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